江苏省连云港市海州区东辛中心小学2023-2024学年五年级下册期中英语试题(PDF版 无答案 无听力原文及音频)

简介: A. shouldn't; of B. should; of C. should; for 五年级英语随堂练习 ( )27. In the , we ask “Where's the ” 听力部分(30 分) A. US; toilet B. UK; toilet C. US; W.C. 一、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号,听两遍。(5 分) ( )28. That rabbit so sad. Its ears . A. look; hurt B. looks; hurts C. looks; hurt ( )29. Please go the street and turn righ...
